Enterprising Cousin Piyush Friday, January 26, 2007

He has always been enterprising like I use to be..
When he was 10-12 years old, he got a Bicycle, which he stared giving to all other boys for a ride.
Deal was, one small ride, in return of a Pen.
In 6 months time, he had collected more than 1000 pens.
No one in family knew where he got these pens from until one day he got in to fight with 4-5 boys and coincidentally, I happen to pass by. I saved him from beatings.
Every business has some risks and sometimes you fall into situation :) But if you are right, someone will come to help you.
next thing he has tried is becoming Mobile repairer. Everyone was surprised to know that he wants to become cell phone mechanic, but anyways, we both discussed things, and he had promising revenue estimates(He was 15 then). I agreed to sponsor his venture partially. He did some work for a while.
2 years back, i finally asked him to look into Animation work. He is the finest artist/painter I know personally(inherits this quality from his father).
we had cool discussion and he decided to get into animation course.
recently he mailed me...
nitin bhai
after a long time i m sending u a mail sorry 4 that and how r u? how's life going? i m fine here. This is a porsche boxter made fully by me, in colour i'll send u later. Now a days i m working hard. I spend whole day in classes only
His mail reminded me of my childhood ventures...
I remember, when I was 6 years old, all alone, I had used 3 volt motor and bulb to make small mixture grinder, using Topaz shaving blade :)
I was by my own, no one with me, I decided to plug whole set up into my house power socket, everything blew off, and I had a strong electric shock for 4-5 seconds. It was a big lesson. I still remember that shock, it has helped me to remain adventurous with my enterprising ideas..
Some of the things, i had made while I was under 10, miniature electric washing machine, trolley traveling a rope 10 feet long, steam boat, electric game for matching words to picture, working electric plant for recycling paper and make greeting cards, robot, tried but failed making a flying model of aircraft.
And trust me all this was kind of self financed** and without any one to teach. There was one watch repair shop close by where I had observed and learned the fundamental, that connect positive negative of anything (motor, bulb) to battery and it works!!!
**my meaning with self financed is, I never asked money from my parents to buy any motors or bulbs or wires, i use to save some money for my candies(called chocolates in India) and use to bargain with one Junk shop. i use to visit this Junk shop daily to find out if he had got any new toy in junk. These junk toys always had some kind of motor or bulb inside.
posted by Nitin @ 1:49 PM,